Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite 1500-word extended abstracts for the 32nd Annual GISRUK Conference, to be held 9th – 12th April 2024 at the University of Leeds. The deadline is Monday 8th January 2024 Friday 19th January 2024 and submission is via Oxford Abstracts (submission link).

Work presented at GISRUK covers a range of methodological approaches and application areas. We are particularly interested in papers that align with the conference theme – GIS for public good: data, theory, policy – but below is a non-exhaustive list of typical focuses:


Application areas

Submitted abstracts will be assessed by at least two members from the GISRUK 2024 Scientific Committee.

New. We have agreed a Special Issue linked to the conference with Environment & Planning B: Urban Data/Code. Details to follow, but we will be encouraging discrete Data/Code products that relate to the conference theme: GIS for public good: data, theory, policy. For information on the Urban Data/Code section of E&P B, see Arribas-Bel et al.’s (2021) editorial.


  • Submission is via Oxford Abstracts submission link.
  • Submissions should be extended abstracts of no more than 1500 words.
  • Abstracts must be prepared using one of these templates (MS Word, LaTeX, Quarto).
  • New: Identify whether you would like your submission to be considered for the GISRUK & OSGeo:UK GoFundGeo Award.
  • Authors should make efforts towards enabling reproducibility of their work, where possible. GISRUK do not produce specific guidance, but authors may wish to consult relevant documentation from organisations such as AGILE.
  • Any queries can be directed to :

Key dates

  • Paper submission deadline: Monday 8th January 2024 Friday 19th January 2024
  • Paper review notifications: Monday 12th February 2024 Monday 19th February 2024
